A while back I spent 2 hours blogging, catching up on everything and recording things so I wouldn't forget. I guess the website was having issues that night because it's all gone. I want to cry! I know some of the things I posted I will never remember.
One thing I do remember:
Xander's pooh. I'm sorry but it's too funny not to share. One day Xander had decided he was going to wipe himself which was a huge failure. He had pooh EVERYWHERE on him and in the bathroom. I was just finishing cleaning him up (he had assumed the position and had his butt in the air) when Ruby walked into the bathroom and tripped. Her face literally smacked his butt. Sad, but funny. Of course she had her face scrubbed and sanitized, poor little girl.
The other day, Xander had something in his eye. He told me "mom, there's something in my eye that is making the "cry" come out." Too cute.
I've been teaching Xander old poems and songs that GGG used to tell us. He is so smart, after a couple mornings of reading it to him he then knows it by heart. I'm trying to post them to youtube, but it's the first time I've done that so I hope it works.
Ruby is a cute as ever and bless her heart is my calming balance to Xander's busy-busy. My mom sent her some boots that she loves and she wears them around all day. The other day I was looking for her and calling out to her and she didn't answer (she says "what?") I was trying to put her down for a nap. I found her hiding and laughing in the pantry. Little sneaky booger.
I've also been baking like crazy and have had fun doing that and now I need to really get serious about finding a job. Boooo.
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