Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back in March we had an apple juice "tea" party play group.  There were cucumber, tuna salad, egg salad, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut into stars, circles and hearts, and flowers, veggies and dip, and of course little cakes.  It was fun!  We got the kids all sugared up and then sent them outside to play while the grown ups played Just Dance2.  It's nice being able to do fun stuff with my friends and their kids.

This was taken 4-11-11, yes that is SNOW
The kids are growing up so fast!  Every time I look at the boy he seems to have grown another couple inches, his pant cuffs hanging several inches above his ankles, and his sleeves creeping up to his elbows.  And don't even get me started on the little girl.  She is growing too, and all the 3T clothes that she was drowning in like... yesterday, now fit her.

While Ruby's sheets were being washed, she lined all her babies up in the hallway so they could take a nap
And besides growing, we have the usual two year old stuff going on and it's pretty funny.  The other day the kids were over at "damma and pappa wee's" and getting ready for bed.  Gamma got the kids bathed and dressed then told them she was going to go get her jammies on.  Little girl said, "you nakee?  I come."  Gamma laughed and went to her room followed by little girl and went into her room.  Little girl sat down on the step and watched gamma change into her jammies.  Apparently disappointed by the fact that gamma still had underwear on when she changed said, "you NOT nakee." and got up and left.  Gotta love curious little kids.

She loves to color, we go through a lot of paper

She must get her sense of style from her dad

The thing you can't see about this picture are the unicorn tights she is also wearing.  This outfit was fantastic.

New Sunday dress

New Sunday duds

Cheesy little goof balls

We have also decided to Home School Alexander.  We are mostly worried that he will be bored and then act out and get labeled a bad kid.  We'll see how it goes.  We are going to clean out the Moose room and turn it into the school room.  I am also going to be a little more structured than most home school folks because I think that's what he is going to need.  A regular schedule that he can count on most every day.  I'll keep everyone updated on how that turns out.