I've recently decided that I would gladly take a two year old over a three year old and I am praying that a four year old wont make me wish that I had this three year old back. And, all this doesn't include the few days around the full moon. No, I'm not joking. He is seriously affected by the full moon. Same with the other little kids in our ward play group. If there is a week when the kids are exceptionally crazy and uncontrollable, 99% of the time it will be a full moon. The term Lunatic comes from that and all the werewolf stories had to be based on some sort of truth, right?
Don't get me wrong. I love Xander, I really do. I guess my mom would say something about paybacks... ARG! Even as I am writing this *sigh* I can't believe what a mess he can make with less than a teaspoon of milk. I love Xander. I ... really... do.
I promise I didn't start this post to gripe about Xander, I really just wanted to talk about the goofy things he's been doing lately. So, I'm acknowledging that he frustrates me, now I'm moving on...
Xander has an amazing imagination. It makes me happy since I think very few kids have imaginations these days. Xander's is exceptional. On a daily basis he'll decide that he's something... A triceratops, a pterodactyl, a giant robot, a tiger, an alligator... you get the point. I'm sure lots of kids do this, but Xander... oh Xander. This is an example of our ever day exchanges:
Me: "Xander, please take your pj's off and put on clean underwear and some clothes."
Xander: "Mommy, tell the giant robot to take his pj's off and put on clean clothes"
Me: "Giant robot, will you please take off your pj's and put on some clean clothes?"
Xander: "No, Giant Robots don't need to wear clothes."
Me: "Xander, please go and get in the car."
Xander: "tell the alligator to go get in the car"
Me: "Alligator, will you please go get in the car?"
Xander: "Alligators swim mom, tell the alligator to swim to the car."
Me: "Xander, there isn't any water in the driveway and there are sharp things. Please don't walk on all fours. Just get in the car."
Xander "Mom! Tell the alligator to swim out to the car"
Me: "Alligator!! Get in the car!!"
Xander "Alligators don't drive mom.."
Me: "XANDER!!"
Can you imagine if he had an imaginary friend?! What kind of crazy adventures we'd have then.