Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back in March we had an apple juice "tea" party play group.  There were cucumber, tuna salad, egg salad, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut into stars, circles and hearts, and flowers, veggies and dip, and of course little cakes.  It was fun!  We got the kids all sugared up and then sent them outside to play while the grown ups played Just Dance2.  It's nice being able to do fun stuff with my friends and their kids.

This was taken 4-11-11, yes that is SNOW
The kids are growing up so fast!  Every time I look at the boy he seems to have grown another couple inches, his pant cuffs hanging several inches above his ankles, and his sleeves creeping up to his elbows.  And don't even get me started on the little girl.  She is growing too, and all the 3T clothes that she was drowning in like... yesterday, now fit her.

While Ruby's sheets were being washed, she lined all her babies up in the hallway so they could take a nap
And besides growing, we have the usual two year old stuff going on and it's pretty funny.  The other day the kids were over at "damma and pappa wee's" and getting ready for bed.  Gamma got the kids bathed and dressed then told them she was going to go get her jammies on.  Little girl said, "you nakee?  I come."  Gamma laughed and went to her room followed by little girl and went into her room.  Little girl sat down on the step and watched gamma change into her jammies.  Apparently disappointed by the fact that gamma still had underwear on when she changed said, "you NOT nakee." and got up and left.  Gotta love curious little kids.

She loves to color, we go through a lot of paper

She must get her sense of style from her dad

The thing you can't see about this picture are the unicorn tights she is also wearing.  This outfit was fantastic.

New Sunday dress

New Sunday duds

Cheesy little goof balls

We have also decided to Home School Alexander.  We are mostly worried that he will be bored and then act out and get labeled a bad kid.  We'll see how it goes.  We are going to clean out the Moose room and turn it into the school room.  I am also going to be a little more structured than most home school folks because I think that's what he is going to need.  A regular schedule that he can count on most every day.  I'll keep everyone updated on how that turns out.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Birthday Party=Birthday Cake

First off, I rarely have original ideas. The butter cream roses and the vertical layer cake tutorials can be found HERE. It's a beautiful, delicious blog... you should check it out.

Secondly, there are tutorials on how to make gelatin bows, butterfly wings and flowers all over the net... but HERE is one if you don't have time to search.

Vanilla Butter cream Roses over a Devils Food and Yellow vertical layer cake

before I sprayed it with yellow and pink food coloring

I am on the Relief Society (R.S.) meeting planning committee with several wonderful ladies. We've been planning the R.S. Birthday party for a while now, and it sure has given me a greater appreciation for all the work that goes into functions like these. It's a LOT of work, and takes a lot of planning and people to pull things off, more than I ever realized.

One of the committee’s main goals this year is to make sure that the meetings we plan are worth while for the sisters to take time out of their day, away from their families, to go to. The R.S. Birthday Party is the one big activities of the year, so we wanted it to be a good one with all the essential elements: Spiritual content, lots of visiting, good information, and good food.

Same cake as white one above after I sprayed it with the food coloring

The birthday party tag line this year was "Learning from the Past". We had a delicious dinner of lasagna, bread sticks and salad. Then there were demonstrations on Writing a Family History, Basic Quilting, and Old World Bread Making. Plus we had a butter churning competition.

I kid you not, we had Butter. Churning. Competition. Can you say, awesome?! :)

Last, but certainly not least, we had a short program/narration about all the past General R.S. presidents while we ate birthday cake.

So, as part of the committee I suggested we ask for volunteers from the ward sisters to make and bring simple birthday cakes to double as the dessert and the table center pieces. This was a great idea… in concept. Originally we needed 8 cakes, and then after sending around a sign up sheet to see how many people would be coming, we determined we would only need 6. We had plenty of people signed up… and then life happened. People that signed up, had other commitments, were helping with other parts of the activity, or just couldn't do it. So, I volunteered to make 3 cakes. No biggie. I saw it as an opportunity to try out some things I’ve wanted to try, and practice some other cake decorating skills. We ended up with 8 cakes after all…but you can never have too much cake.

Vertical Layer cake

So, I spent the week baking, making fillings, fondant and a really cool bow made from gelatin, saving the final decorating till the day of. Guess who decided to not feel good that day. *sigh* Sweet little Ruby either had a cold or was teething or something, but she came crying to me every 5 minutes wanting to be held. I am not really complaining, I love it when I get to cuddle the cute little thing, but something that should have taken only a couple hours tops… took ALL day.

Another thing I’ve found is inevitable when I have a lot of baking to do: pain…arthritic flare up, hip, back, knee and joint pain. You name it; I have a lot of it. I don’t know how much of it is stress related, and how much is just sheer dumb luck. But it was there, and by the end of the day I could barely walk. I figured I’ve been relatively pain free for the last few weeks, so I was due.

The party was great success! We had a really good turn out, and the demonstrations were incredible.

Devils Food and yellow vertical layer cake with sour cream chocolate fudge frosting

Can I just take some time to brag about the wonderful sisters in my ward? They are amazing to me! Talk about magnifying your callings and sharing talents. I love them all and they are great examples to me. I find that most of the time I do the bare minimum possible to get by. Not these ladies. Nor their husbands for that matter… what good support they are to their wives.

Our R.S. President, Melita Welling is incredible. She is so talented and I learn something new about her every day. She made all the bread sticks for the dinner and they were wonderful. AND she made a cake (she wasn’t supposed to since she made the bread sticks, but she did anyway)… I didn’t get any of it but everyone was raving about it.

Danielle Underwood did the beginning quilting demonstration. She made little quilt squares, and brought embroidery hoops to show people the basic hand quilting stitch. She also brought a couple of her beautiful quilts to give ideas. Our R.S. president also put up a baby quilt to show people how to tie a quilt as well. I take for granted that most people know how to do these things… but there are actually many who don’t. Danielle also did a lot of the set up, and her husband helped out a lot in the kitchen.

Gaye Willis set up a beautiful display on writing a Family History. This is something that I loved to look at and get ideas from. I’ve always been horrible about journaling, (I’m trying to blog more) but there are so many other elements involved, and so many different things you can do. Her insights and tips were terrific, as was the display.

Sour Cream white cake with Lime curd filling,

coconut flavored marshmallow fondant,

and gelatin bow

Tamara Criddle had a delicious display on old world bread making, and using a stone for baking.She had information sheets on yeasts, several different recipes and of course, some bread to taste. The rosemary and sea salt bread was to die for! Now I have more recipes to try out… shucks.

We also did butter churning in pint jars. There was one on each table for everyone to shake. And Victoria Adams had such a good idea to encourage people to keep shaking the jar and not give up, she bought candy bars to use as a prize to the table who churned their butter first. It was fun to watch everyone shaking their jar full of cream, everyone taking a…churn. Ha, ha.

Angela Babcock got volunteers for narrations about the past General R.S. Presidents, and Brother Willis put together a slide show of each of their pictures. It was really nice, and interesting to hear about all of them and some of the hardships they endured. What incredible women!

In my pain induced state, I failed to take pictures of everyone’s beautiful displays. I am so mad at myself!! I remembered to take pictures of my cakes, of course. Ever remembering and relieved that they were finished and I could move onto my next project. But I didn't take pictures of the others. I am so lame some times, ugh! Anyway… I am so happy that it was a success, and I am so grateful for the ladies in my life that are always teaching me something, and supporting me in all that I do.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail...

I am a baker. I love to make yummy bread, and cakes and other delicious goodies. But, I don’t like to make cookies. I’m not sure why, but I find it boring! Just the monotony of ball, after ball, after ball, of dough…pan, after pan, in, and out of the oven. Ugh! When will it ever end?!!! Give me a bar cookie any day. Mix the dough, squish it into a 9x13 pan, bake it, slice it, and your done. That’s my kind of treat. Then, there are sugar cookies. (insert ominous music here)

Making cookies in my house is a chore. I have two fantastic helpers that will be master chefs one day, I’m sure of it. But for now, they are 2 and 5. Nuff said. They help turn the mixer on, taste, add the ingredients, taste, roll out the dough, taste. It takes me 3 times as long to make cookies with my two helpers than it does by myself, but I don’t often make goodies for us (and when I am baking for other people I don’t let them get near enough to even smell them)… so I can’t very well tell them they can’t help when it’s for us to eat…. Anyway….

Like I said, I don’t like to make cookies. But, every once and a while I get a “wild hare” (he, he) to create some beautiful sugar cookies. It should be easy, right? A couple years back I bought this adorable cookie cutter and was determined to make cookies for all Xander’s friends. Right. That stinking cookie took up so much dough, it was insane. And then the whole “line and fill” method seems like it should be easy enough, but doing anything with a kid on your lap "helping"brings a whole new challenge.

I guess the few years since the flower cookie was long enough to help me forget the joys of the beautiful stacked monstrosities called sugar cookies, because the other day I bought a cookie cutter for 3D air plane at a killer sale. It was awesome. It was still kind of a pain in the butt, but for the most part not too bad. So my hubby and I looked around online to see what other 3D cutters we could find. Then, there it was… the bunny. It was so cute! I just had to have it… then I looked at the price. Yikes!! I am all for buying American made and supporting small business and what not but SERIOUSLY??? I decided I didn’t need to have it so badly after all.

That darn bunny… I just couldn’t get it out of my head, so I bought it. I know, I know… but it is SO cute (and we would be getting our tax refund soon, so hey)!! I got the cutter and looked at it for days and days. I knew it would be time consuming and I was nervous about the whole sugar cookie thing but I had to try it out. So, Tuesday rolls around and I break down and make cookie dough with the kids. The cookie cutter manufacturer recommends baking the similar sized pieces together so here we go with the pans and pans of cookies thing. Then, life happened. I put the cookie bits and pieces in a gallon sized zip bag and left them on the counter until Thursday, after much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (from the kids) I decided I better get those darn cookies frosted.

The results? MARVELOUS! They are SO cute, cute, cute, cute. I don’t often (in seriousness) gush over my own baked goods, but gosh darn it they are SO CUTE!!! And, even though they were a week old when we finally ate them, they were tasty too! Completed, they are the equivalent of 5 sugar cookies, but if you notice, they are missing the back leg (which you can’t really see because of the view). I had to let my kiddos eat a cookie so they’d leave me alone till they were completed and photographed. (Cause anything that takes me a week to complete deserves a posted photo)

These were just the trial run, and my focus group (i.e. Mother-in-law, kiddos, hubby and friends) helped me come up with ideas to make them even cuter, (like cotton candy tails) which makes me even more excited. That said, I will be selling these adorable cookies this Easter to try to make up for what I spent on the cutter. $5 for the unfrosted cookie “kit” and $7.50 frosted. I would even ship them (un-assembled) to anyone out of Alaska who is interested in purchasing some. (chocolate flavor also available)

Toilet Paper tubes and "twying".

Did you ever use a bathroom at my house and wonder why there are piles and piles of empty toilet paper tubes? Well, it's amazing what you can make with them, and I couldn't even begin to think of all the things, but I save them knowing that they will get used. I bet Xander has 5 ideas in his head as we speak.

Someone once told me that children who grow up in cluttered homes are more creative than those who don't. If that is true, my children will be creative geniuses. Xander demonstrates this on a daily basis. Give that kid a roll of scotch tape, some paper, markers, and some string and the kid can create anything. Needless to say, we buy scotch tape in bulk at Costco. $12 is a small price to pay for a kiddos love and admiration, and hours and hours of entertainment.

Xander's Toilet Paper Tube Tank

On a different note, Ruby is cuter than ever. She is talking more, which is hilarious. She has her own little accent, and starts every word with a T sound. Clothes is toes, fell it tell and so on. I have especially been working on teaching her how to say feet. She might be twelve and stuttering with the F sound, but at least she wont be telling people to tickle her "tits" which is what it sounds like the way she says it now. It's funny as all get out.

The other night Ken had to work late, then go do his home teaching, so I was getting the kids ready for bed myself. I was drying Ruby off and telling her that we'd brush her teeth, get pj's on and then read books, say prayers and go to bed. She looks up at me all wet and cute in her flower petal towel, and says "I just go to my room and Trwy." Oh Ruby, why are you going to go to your room and cry? "I want daddy sing me Siwent Night." Ruby, I can sing you Silent Night.
Then, I got the look. "I want DADDY sing me Siwent Night." Okay. I put her to bed, but the little stinker stayed awake till daddy came home and sang to her.

Who's chopped liver? Um, that would be me.

Here's a video of Ruby and her cute words.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Birthday

I have been wanting to bake a cake. This shouldn't be such a big deal except I don't like to bake things unless they will be leaving my house. That way, we don't eat them. It seems funny to me that I do all this baking but hardly any of it is for my family. So little in fact, that when I tell Xander I am making something, he always asks "for who?" and when I tell him it's for us, he'll ask me over, and over again to make sure it's really for us.

Yesterday was my friends birthday. She lives thousands of miles away in TX. I told her I'd make a cake in honor of her birthday. Sounded like a good enough excuse to me. Coincidentally, a friend of mine sent me a link to someones beautiful blog and I felt inspired by it. Then at lunch I ate an orange and it was beautiful, and fragrant, and delicious... and I was inspired by it as well. I also have a bunch of new pans that I've been wanting to try out, homemade caramel, and ganache to use up as well. So... this cake served a great many purposes today.

Happy Birthday Marie, I hope it was a good one! And thanks for giving me an excuse to make this orange cake, with caramel filling coated in dark chocolate orange ganache... made in one of my new oval shaped pans.