Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So, I haven't blogged in a while. I keep thinking I really should get on and get some stuff down, but then something else happens and the blog doesn't. So, here's a quick one before I go cook dinner.
I have been enjoying Ruby as she quickly approches her 1 year birthday. It's so unfair how quickly kids grow. My favorite thing about Ruby lately is that she signs. I was never able to get Xander to sign, but Ruby has picked it up and uses it often. She knows and uses the sign for more, food, water, please and all done. I'm working on more signs but it's handy that she knows these. I guess we've been starving the poor little girl. We usually would have let her down when she was fussy, but since she is signing we've found that she wants "more" and more and more to eat. It's just trying to figure out exactly what she wants more of. The other night it was broccoli, bacon and potatoes. She got a double dose of Mylicon that night. Last night it was the baked beans, again, a double dose of baby Mylicon.
At the store the other night Ken had a cookie and he was giving her bits of it to keep her entertained as we waited for our paint to be mixed. She had no trouble signing more, more, more and then milk as we walked through the store. Then last night was the topper. We were enjoying root beer floats, a family fave, and I gave her just a little bit and then told her "all done".
She was not happy about that. She fussed and fussed and then - so cute- she signed "please" over and over. Yes, I gave in and gave her some more. It was too cute.
Another exciting development is that she is walking. I'm so not ready for that, but she's still 2 months behind Xander. She probably would have been walking at 9 months too if she ever got down on the floor. Fun, fun, fun!